18 Mayo 2015

In the Beginning…

About 40 hours ago I awoke with a renewed and profound excitement in my heart… a joy that has not been present for several months. Tonight we gather as a team and caravan to the Asheville airport. We departed from Lakey’s aka Senor Jefe house at midnight to start our ominous trek back to my second home, Honduras.

Our team consisted of several veterans from foreign mission teams (Mater, Que Pasa, Madster, Hodo, the Driller Boyz Hunterzilla, Nico, Wilbur and Rosie, and your’s truly Marco Francisco) We have added a couple of rookies to our line-up this year (Lu Cooper aka Larry and Donnie Thorton aka Officer Donnie). Sadly though we are missing a couple of veterans from years past (B-Rad aka The Blogmaster and Laurie aka 16 Lamas), we miss your presence and hope that you can rejoin us in the near future.

After a short jump down the Appalachian mountains we arrived in Atlanta where we stumbled thru the terminal like a cast of extras from the Walking Dead… After a 4 hour layover we boarded Delta flight 575 bound for San Pedro Sula. I felt good as I passed through immigration without a hitch and carried on the entire conversation in Spanish with the officer. The only hick-up was Officer Donnie’s tub was scrutinized like a NASCAR engine during a post-race inspection… I suppose they have never seen the mask that Darth Vader wore in real life… It was in truth Officer Donnie’s C-Pap machine.

After we picked up the pieces of Officer D’s suitcase and got him calmed down from the visit to the darkroom, we were welcomed by our old friends Daniela, Maynor, and Super Mario to take us to Villa Celia de Fina aka The Federation Compound in Qumistand .

We spent the afternoon looking at different projects including repainting a room at “The Light of the Valley School” and the bathroom/pila project at Tejerias Church… Feliz, Feliz mas mook! Afterward we took a tour of the work that has been completed at Tranquilidad with Sam and Roxanna.

Through the fatigue and smelly clothes I dedicate all my Blog post to my friend and brother in Christ, Blogmaster B-Rad.