The Rut Less Traveled
As we awoke to a beautiful morning today, the birds say a glorious hymn of praise to the Creator while creating a harmonious alarm clock for us. Sandra and Gloria prepared a lite breakfast consisting of panqueques y mucha la fruita, (Pancakes and fruit)… I am glad it was lite because Pablo aka (Juan Pablo Montoya) cruised at a neck breaking pace, while sliding in, around and veering sharply to avoid the large ruts in the road, only to create new ones up the mountain! He must be a James Bond kinda guy, shaken not stirred. Fear not, I am living proof that we did arrived in one piece, although our mouths were parched and lungs filled with dust.
We pulled into the village and it seemed as if the entire community was awaiting our arrival. We unloaded the miles of wire and supplies needed to bring forth the light into the school there. Jefe Mater and Marco made a quick survey of the task at hand and with a piece of borrowed chalk we drew an electrical diagram on the back of the building and began the process of electrification. The first major rut to avoid was Mater stressing over perfectionism… He is the only Electrician that I know who carries a bottle of super glue… Why you may ask? I am glad you did. When he cuts in a panel the wires have to look perfect with all bends symmetrical and straight. If a wire will not cooperate, he will super glue them together to hold their shape…
A rain shower at mid-day cooled the air to a tolerable level and the local Patronada Juan Jose asked our group to take on another small task for the community and school. We were asked to construct a new picnic table in front of the school so that the children could have a large place to gather and eat their meals. The team divided into two separate sub-teams. Tom aka Hodo and his Village People assisted in digging the footings for the tables while others continued to pull conduit and wires for the lights. By the end of the day, much was accomplished on both projects; we were able to recharge the batteries for our drill from a receptacle installed in a classroom and the footings were dug and ready to be filled with mook. Tomorrow our goal is to present the gift light to the school and let our Patronada Senor Chris quote Genesis and say, “Let there be light.”
Juan Pablo gave a repeat performance coming down the mountain this evening, even bouncing Que Pasa’s head off of the roof of the van a couple of times as he jumped in some of the ruts less traveled. We arrived safely though slightly bruised to a warm meal prepared by Sandra and Gloria consisting of Pork chops, rice with all the trimmings, lest we forget the Jalapenos… Hasta Manana Amigos desde Honduras.
Marco Francisco