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October 21 and 22, 2012 Our final report had to be delayed because the internet was down on Sunday. After a very nice breakfast we went to Tejeras, the small neighborhood built along the highway right of way of the very busy road between San Pedro Sula and Copan. HAF learned about Tejeras when some of our members discovered the children foraging for food at the city dump. HAF now provides a church school lesson each sunday morning along with a nutricious meal for the children who live here. We came to observe the program and to examine the meal to see what was provided. Each child received a plate with spaghetti noodles, chicken, beans, carrots, and bell peppers plus one tortilla and a drink. HAF provides a similar meal for these children several days each week through the generosity of sponsors. After lunch, we visited the Sunday afternoon session of the Agape Promises program. There are fifty children sponsored in this program, which provides Christian education and encouragement and assistance to continue in school. The program was a lively lesson about Gideon defeating the Midianites with only 300 men chosen by God. A nutricious meal was also provided to these children. In the late afternoon, we went to the inaguration of the indoor soccer field mentioned yesterday, which included a church service. This was a special treat because we got to see a lot of people that we knew from the community. We were also treated to a very nice meal as part of the festivities. We were told that one of the first activities will be a match between the youth soccer teams of one of the local evangelical churches and the catholic church. On Monday morning we went to San Pedro Sula by Busito and flew home, arriving in Atlanta on Monday afternoon, people from our plane were the only ones in the lines at immigration and customs. It was a great week. We were truly blessed with good weather the entire time and Maynor made sure we went everywhere and saw all the groups that we had on our list.