October 19, 2012 We went to Nueva Esperanza to look over the school and check on the needs of that village. We passed through Rio Chiquito on the way and stopped on the way back. There was a grader working diligently between Nueva Esperanza and Rio Chiquito. Nuevo Esperanza and Rio Chiquito have a joint water project and the need to purchase land where their water source is located in order to protect their water from logging. Although the exact figures were not available during the meeting, it appears that they may have saved just about half of the money needed. Rio Chiquito was one of the towns that Dr. Tino and maynor had suggested they may be a good candidate for a future Holistic Approach Village (HAV). They have a water board and patronato and seemed to be eager to meet with us. They were forthcoming concerning their progress toward saving the money needed for their land purchase and the negotiations in progress. They have three volunteer health workers ready to train and are on the road to Nuevo Esperanza, so they are quite handy, as much as villages way up in the mountain can be. Laguna del Carmen was part way back down the mountain and a left turn plus a ride across yet another mountain trail. It was also suggested as a good candidate for a future Holistic Approach Village (HAV). These people were well organized and the both the community center and the school were neat and clean, although several repairs were needed. The school has a new water tank, which was provided by the Rotary club. They have cleared ground for a proposed kindergarten building, even though they do not yet have the funds. We have now visited all the villages where we have been working lately and we are all happy to be off the road, as we will spend Saturday visiting with Agape Promises teachers and students and the University students. We also plan to have the evening meal with Jose Alfredo Mejia and his wife Goyita. We have known this couple since the earliest days of our activity in Quimistan and are really looking forward to this opportunity for fellowship. They own the Don Fermin restaurant and will be inaugurating a new soccer facility next to their home on Sunday afternoon.
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