October 16, 2012 Today we had a nice drive over the mountains along a road which provides a very good view of the Quimistan valley, which is a wide, relatively flat, fertile plain. I had not noticed the beauty the last time I was on this road due to cloud cover. The mountains and the road are very steep. We visited Texoxingales (or Teocingales), where we met with the church leaders, Patronado and the president of the water board. There are two churches in Teo, Catholic and Church of God. The people get along together well and are very interested in working together to make good things happen for their community. They are very grateful for the Bible study materials we have provided for use in teaching their children. The catholics would like to have the Latin American version of the children’s chatecism, which is taught in four age groups. When we asked about their school, we learned there are way too many children in each classroom. We were given a very nice lunch of chicken soup, with rice, potatoes and cabbage. Next we visited El Venado. There are three churches in this village, two of which are different versions of the Church of God and the other one is Catholic. The new Church of God needs Bibles, but the others stated that we have already provided enough for each member. This village has one school room for all grades kindergarten through sixth – the other room in the building is where the teacher lives. They would like to have another classroom to separate the kindergarten from the elementary grades. This village also requested a small generator as power source for nebulizers. They do not have Justa stoves. Many also do not have latrines. They stated that there is a problem with water entering the holes.
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