Due to the classes of most kinders and schools being closed for the strike, no fluoride treatments were given. I spent the morning doing necessary things like laundry, paperwork….sorta’ just like being in Aiken:)
In the afternoon, I spent some time with Maynor developing spreadsheets to ease his recording and then we ran errands. We stayed in Q town due to road closures and threats due to Zelaya’s activities.
I popped by the concina project at the kinderllate in the afternoon:
At first I found only Obin, Hector and two other boys working.
Shortly, help arrived from the other work site of the Pinto Construction team.
(For those who have been coming for years, the young man to the most right is Chepita, Grecia’s ‘little’ brother. He is now 14 and in high school. We reminisced of years ago having a Twister competition on his front porch. Of course, our memories differ on who was the champion:) Oh, the years fly by!)
Prayers of thanksgiving are offered.