A funny thing happened at the airport…

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Today, Sam and I escorted the young adults to the airport  to return to the US.  While they checked in, paid their exit fees, etc.  I, being shy, naturally began chatting with the other mission teams departing out of San Pedro Sula….all of whom were easily recognizable by their group t-shirts.  I met one group from Iowa who was working with a children’s home 45 minutes from Q town.  It was very exciting to meet the director as Sam and I are called to have a children’s home here in the future.  We exchanged business cards and information for a future visit.

I next met a group from UAB who had been 3-4 hours across into Guatemala for a medical mission team.  I was trying to introduce them to Brittany who is very interested in bringing med. students here.  During this convo, I met one of the doctors in their group and gave him and a few students a business card. One of the students asked if the website would give her information about our mission.  I assured her it would provide a lot of info and encouraged her to read our blogs.  Another woman in the group asked me “Why are you at the airport?  Are you just here checking out the mission groups coming and going?”  I laughed and told her no, but I am always interested in the other mission efforts and like to encourage others who are called to serve these beautiful people.

Who knows what God will do with these ‘chance’ meetings in an airport far from home.  I look forward to watching and waiting to see…..oh what a wonderful tapestry He weaves!

Sam and I had a delicious meal at Goyita’s restaurant along with Ardyn who has joined us for a weekend visit from Santa Clara.  The fair is at full steam downtown and the streets are crowded with out of town visitors.  It is nice to retire to the quiet tranquility of the ranch.

Check out our next team’s blog beginning June 23rd.  Until then, continue praying for our outreach that those who do not know Him will come to be filled with the love of Jesus.
