The October Team of Michael Norton, Tom Britt, Deedee Vaughters, and Mark Reavill arrived in San Sula 11:30 am and were greeted at the airport by our old friends, Maynor, Daniel and Pablo.
No rest for the weary (all of which had been up since 3:00 am); we zipped off to buy bibles at both the Catholic and Protestant book store and also to check on hymnals. We found the Catholic book store closed for lunch until 2:00; but the Protestant book store (best air conditioning in Honduras) was open for business. We bought what they had to offer and scooted back across town to the Catholic book store. They sold us the five bibles that they had in stock and promised that more were at the printers. They were unable to give us a timeframe as to when those would be ready. Ah… in Honduras!!
After our shopping excursion we were back on the move. We visited Anna at her new school Reparacion Escuela Urbana Mixta Soledad Fernandez Cruz. Anna showed much promise as a student in the mountain village of Teo. She has received a sponsorship and is following her dream to become a teacher. We toured her school which has 1, 050 students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades all studying to become teachers.
No time for lunch….the team stopped for chips and a much needed Diet Coke for me and Coke for guys. We then headed to the village of Penales(means bee hive) to meet with the community leaders about building a kindergarten building at their school. Penales has 19 to 25 age eligible children that are in need of a kindergarten. They currently have no facility and are unable to provide these children an education in advance of 1st grade. Interestingly…..we learned that yes there are lots of bees in Penales and lots of bee stings; but no one has developed an allergy to the bee stings.
Finally….FOOD! Our old friend Rana had us over for our traditional dinner of pancakes with her. She makes the best beans ever!!! It was great to see Rana again. She is always such a wonderful hostess.
The day ended in a horrendous downpour! I have heard of the rainy season…but this was incredible. Rapidly moving water was over a foot deep throughout the town. The van stalled multiple times. Mark and Pablo worked to get the battery working and got soaked in the process. The team finally made it out to Gary and Martha’s compound after a new friend, Wilmer gave us all a ride in his Nissan pick up truck. The pick up truck almost became a submarine; but we made it!!!
We ended the day laughing….the entrance to my room was flooded and had to be swept out. Most of our luggage was wet. In the end…..we were all safe, fed and happy to be in a safe place for the evening! God is good (and even a bit of a prankster!)
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