Agape Promises Reception

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As is our custom during our mission trips, we have a reception for all of the AP students. Today, we had 41 of the 47 attend. The primary purpose of today’s activity was to celebrate our 2 recent high school graduates. On behalf of the foundation, they were presented with Spanish language copies of Rick Warren’s, A Purpose Driven Life.

Each of the graduates spoke about their experiences as part of the Agape Promises program. They thanked God for His help in completing their course work. They also challenged their fellow students to trust in God, work very hard, so that in the coming years they will be receiving the same recognition.

The missionaries put together their theatre talents and presented a HAF version of the Good Samaritan. The children really enjoyed the “drama”, especially the part where Jerry was beaten down by the robbers. All appreciated a wonderful lesson on God’s love and caring.

The missionaries served a delicious lunch to the children, including a very special dessert.

Ken & June