Relatively speaking, we had a very uneventful arrival to Honduras and a safe trip to Quimistan. Along the way to the ranch, the newbees were WOWed with the beauty, especially our ‘home away from home’.
After our first of many delicious meals cooked by Gloria, an orientation meeting, and some unpacking duties, the youth led by Sam took a motor taxi ride and toured the back roads of Q town. They were inspired by all the new sights, the multitude of dogs, and the smiling children – two small boys were watching older youth playing soccer and looked as if they were at a feast. The Norte Americanos enjoyed the shouts of ‘hello’ in English by many.
They visited the future home of our dear Sandra which will be built this year we hope.
We are off to Teo tomorrow and excited about serving our Lord and being served as well. Now it is time for a good night’s sleep.