Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Today’s focus was on BSF construction. We worked with two pastors from local communities (Tejeras and Breezes) to complete BSF shells that we fabricated yesterday. Then we cleaned the molds and started the process to fabricate two additional BSF shells so the pastors would learn or at least experience the entire process. We now have four completed shells and two that will be completed tomorrow morning.
Wilmer Portillo–Pastor for Tejeres cleaning mold
Adan-Pastor for the Breezes cleaning the outer mold
Joshua and Jose washing gravel
Wilmer, Mike, and Adan assembling the BSF outer mold
In the mid afternoon, we began working with the “special” sand that is used for filter media. This process includes sieving the material through four grades of wire mesh from ½ inch down to 0.03 inches. This smallest fraction of sand is then washed to remove particles that are too small to use in the filter. We are able to produce about one bucket of filter grade sand for every 10 buckets that start the process. So, we are very grateful for the assistance of Maynor and Jose Maria who worked all day long to assist with training the two pastors.
Ron and Maynor preparing cement
Washing the sifted gravel
Sifting the special filter sand to proper sizes
Some of the BSF team – still smiling after a long day of work
After our evening meal, we went to visit a couple families that Christa met two years ago. Christa presented several of the children with pictures she had painted of them. It gets dark here by 7:00, so we chose to limit the number of visits. The daily power outage started just as we reached the town square, but we were still able to locate a place for ice cream with the help of Nelson and a very good tip from one of our blog readers. Thanks!
Christa, the artist, with her special friend
Karen’s devotion this morning was from Isaiah 55, which helped remind me that the Lord directs the path of all things. By remaining in step with His plan, we have the opportunity to impact people and nations! So, as we work to help the people here with medical needs, clean water and other services, we pray for His guidance and blessing, so our labors may produce good fruit. Thank you for praying for us.