Spent most of the day with Maynor and a friend/driver, Wilmer. We visited the Tejeras location, where the latrines and pila have been completed.

I was surprised and blessed to see that our feeding shelter/church is in use as a Kindergarten. The municipality agreed to provided a teacher so that the young children would not have to walk a mile plus along the busy highway to the nearest other school.

Up the mountain we went to Los Panales where the villagers – with the help of HAF donations for materials and some mission team sweat – have completed a new kindergarten.

We found another class in session and enjoyed learning my Spanish counting with the kids. The railing and skilled labor was provided by the local Mayor.

Down the mountain we went, then up the mountain we went – to Tierra Amirilla (Yellow Earth) a new village to HAF. This village of approx. two dozen families has a small school and had requested help with their water system. We met with the school teacher and then walked to inspect the water system. I had not realized or inspection would become a ‘school trip’.

The community had built a capture tank (collecting water from a spring) and laid out/buried pvc pipe to gravity feed the various homes several years ago. The capture tank leaks so badly that the system no longer works.

We met with the teacher, the patranato and water board leader. For over a year all of the families have been having to haul water from the river – a half-mile walk. They have raised half of the funds needed and HAF is blessed to be able to fund the other half of the materials needed. The village people will do all of the labor.
Down the Mountain we went, then up the mountain we went – to La Montinita. This village is and ‘old friend’ of HAF and has a kindergarten in need of repair. Classes are often held in one of the local churches because of the poor state of the building.

HAF will try to raise funds to restore/replace this kindergarten in the coming year.
Down the mountain we went to Gloria’s home where designated donations are being used to expand her small home. Gloria has taken in two young ladies who had no stable home. The home originally designed for three (in one bedroom) has been holding five. The expansion construction is well underway.

Up the road – not the mountain we went. WHEW!, had my quota of jostling for the day. Joined into the fun at Tranquilidad, getting the children’s home in show ready condition (more work to do) for the dedication on Sunday.