Day 7 and we are ONE – big family that is

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                While the advance team transported additional supplies to the hospital in preparation of tomorrow’s dental clinic, the remainder of the team arrived safely from Aiken – even a bit early.  After a 2:30 p.m. prayer and quick lunch the entire team (Tommy, Mandy, Alan, Randy, Charlie, Erin, and Karen along with Maynor (our local administrator), and Stanley (our faithful translator) went to the hospital and started to unpack 7 trunks and one large duffel bag. 

 To us non-professionals the task of getting all the necessary equipment and supplies unpacked and in some logical order seemed impossible.  However the dental professionals of Charlie, Randy, Karen, and Erin with years of experience knew just what had to be done.

                Some minor equipment modifications had to be made to the one dental chair that had been used in previous years along with additional modification to the used dental chair that took some 15 months in transit from the United States to Quimistan.  
 With the dental professionals coordinated effort and Tommy, Mandy, Alan, Maynor, and Stanley on call for simple tasks the clinic was fully set up and all equipment tested by 5:15.

                We plan on opening the door to the 1st patient at 8:00 in the morning and will work till the last scheduled patient (and walk-in) is seen and treated, somewhere about 8:00 p.m.  The team will take a one hour lunch break about noon.