Following God’s Call

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This morning during our devotional, we talked about God’s calling for us all and our sole responsibility being that of obedience despite not knowing the how, when, where or why.  Little did we know that when we visited the Tejeres community to check on a few other projects that God needed us to help with one that another had begun.


Unbeknownst to any of us, an HAF missionary on an earlier trip had committed to help a single mother, Lourdes, who had dug the hole for her septic tank.  This person financed the completion of her latrine.  She had found a man in Pinalejo who was giving her adobe blocks but she was in need of a way to get them to her house.  

So in true North American fashion, we all decided that we would make it happen. Once we had located a pickup to borrow, we picked Lourdes up, and followed her directions to the home and began transferring what became four truckloads of adobe block.  She worked long and hard along side Dane and Daniel with the rest of us pitching in late in the activity.  

With each delivery, it seemed another person came to her house to help us unload the blocks.  As has been said, many hands make for light work (although, those blocks were far from light).  She was so appreciative for the help in getting one step closer to her dream of having a latrine.  

To God be all the glory!