Off we went again! This time to Jicaro for a day full of activities. Our main mission today was helping many locals regain their sight by holding an eyeglass clinic, which included an eye test followed by a trial and error hunt for the best fitting glasses for each patron. Without proper equipment and doctors it was quite the challenge, however, we were able to find a pair that worked well for everyone! One elderly man was lucky to receive a pair that included attachable sunglasses and we saw him later happily strolling through town showing all his friends. It made the hours of hard work and tedious process worthwhile. My heart was filled with joy.

Following our eyeglass clinic, our troops took off on a mountainous hike to a nearby waterfall. Avoiding cow poo patties and the uphill climb were our biggest challenges, yet all very worthwhile. Breaths were taken away by the beauty of the monstrous, multi-tiered waterfall that was cascading down the luscious mountainside before us. The water may have been cold, but that didn’t stop us from jumping right in, splashing one another, jumping from cliffs, and playing water football. It was definitely an experience I’m sure none of us will forget.

While the “younger set” (under 50) went to the waterfall, Tommy visited the medical clinic being held at Maynor’s office. They had a brisk run of business, with about 30 patients being seen by Dr. Tino in 2 hours. Then Maynor, assisted by Itsa, filled their prescriptions. The office addition used by the doctor allows private consultations, and has proven to be a great asset to our medical program.

Our final excursion of the day was to a local church to the Friday night service. Although the entire service was in Spanish and none of us quite understood, the atmosphere in the church and among the locals was heartwarmingly satisfying. It was an eye-opening experience to participate in a church service of another people. The faith among the Hondurans is incredible. God bless all.
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