Buenos Noches!
Because of the rain earlier in the week, we did not get to visit Texoxingales until today. The rain made the roads more treacherous than normal, but our driver, Luis, got us there without any problem. We started the morning by painting the inside of the new classroom salmon pink. During a break for fresh air, the student president presented us with a plaque recognizing our support for the education of the children in Texoxingales. Some of the kids had also spent time coloring pages and writing notes to thank us for all that we had done at their school! It was a very touching presentation. We were then treated to lunch cooked by Juan Jose’s wife, Vilma.
In the afternoon, the team split up to administer an eyeglass clinic and play with the children. We had several activities going with the children – soccer, bubbles, balloons, jump rope, frisbee… We pulled out all the stops! At the end we even got out the water balloons! About 25 adults came through the eyeglass clinic. Most adults seemed to need reading glasses. There were many smiles after the fittings!
This evening we attended church in Quimistan. The music was loud and joyful! The lay leader preached on several passages. Through Bill’s translation, we understood that the message was about God building us up through the Holy Spirit. Also, fidelity and obedience are important factors in living a Christian life.
Tomorrow, five of the team members depart for Atlanta. We pray for safe travel, that our time here has made an impact, and that we keep these memories dear to us in the days ahead.