Jim’s new glasses

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Hola Ya’ll,

We pulled up our chairs to God’s table and feasted today til our hearts were full. We felt His hand at the Pinal school construction site, another rural school where we played with the children and provided flouride and worming medications, at the eye clinic, and at the La Cosecha Church tonight.

An elderly gentleman at the eye clinic was waiting for his pair of glasses when Pablo and our fearless leader Jim pulled out the pair on the left. I wish you all could have seen his face. He laughed a jolly laugh and then put them on his face! Humor crosses all barriers!

Before church, we were able to present the keys to one of the new homes that so many of you have worked on this summer. We gathered with the family for prayer and songs. What a very special opportunity for us all! The church service was very different from our Presbyterian ways, but we clapped and smiled and clapped and smiled and stood and clapped and smiled through it all. The pastor there did a dance that was a cross between James Brown and Elvis. Afterwards he taught us the moves so we can teach them to Olin. We are expecting a performance next Sunday.

We have so many pictures, but we are too tired tonight to share them! Andrew plans to get up in the morning and post many of them to give you an idea of what we have been doing. Thanks again for your prayers. We feel them