Friday, July 2
Today was an day filled with events. The events started with a filling breakfast. After breakfast, we secured Christa’s items and departed for Santa Clara. After arriving, we dropped off Christa and her items and went on a tour of her new home. The girls then went back to the White Dove school to drop off some school supplies and visit with three of the students-David, Ariel, and Roni, otherwise known as the “3 Amigos.” Ariel demonstrated his ability to read and Roni entertained them with his smiles and silliness. Several of the children from the village came by and were treated to balloons, hand/arm painting, bubbles, and frisbee. Mike, Joshua, and Ron fixed Lencho’s water filter by adding new, finer, sand to slow down the flow rate and improve the effectiveness of the filter. Around lunchtime, we said goodbye and left for Quimistan.
Once back, we dropped off the girls and left for La Brisas del Rio to finish the water filter we installed yesterday. On the way there, we had to cross the suspension bridge over the river. At the pastor’s house, we flushed the tube of the filter with chlorine to disinfect it and gave the instructions for maintenance to Adam.
We returned to Martha’s, and the girls went to assist with the feeding program in Tejeras. While they were in Tejeras, the guys cleaned up the BSF equipment and stored them for future use. The girls returned as we were finishing and we decided to wash the car in preparation for the next team (challenge for the next team… clean it as well as we did!!!). We then ate chicken tacos from Gloria and “Tres Leche” cake made for us by the mother of one of our sponsored children. We then finished packing up the team items and took inventories of the construction and BSF boxes. We then finished out the day by packing our luggage and some soccer.
Removing the older, coarse sand
The bridge to cross the river
Tejeras children waiting for food
Storing BSF materials and sieves