We are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves, so that’s what we did today. We started off the day at Tranquilidad, a future children’s home that our friends Roxanne and Sam are building. The jobs ranged from weeding the pineapple patch to applying a sealant to a picnic table. The single shade tree on the property served as an oasis for us when we needed a break.

After a nice lunch provided by the lovely Sandra and Gloria, we headed off to Manantial del Rey to pass out lunch to the children and play with them. The group had a blast with Frisbees and footballs flying everywhere.

The crew had a delicious meal at Goyita’s restaurant and we were serenaded as we ate. To burn off all of the calories from the fried chicken and French fries, we joined the Hondurans in a soccer game. Needless to say, the Hondurans’ skill levels far exceeded our own.

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