Greetings from Quimistan! We had a wonderful day in Teo, a remote,mountainous village ninety minutes from Q’town via mostly rocky, dirt roads. The scenery was breathtaking with the mountains and lush green trees. The welcome we received was so wonderful. You will see the photo with the children lined up on either side of the road. How special the signs, paper flowers, and smiles made us feel. Several of us played “no,no,si” (duck, duck,goose) with the kids followed by the “Hokey Pokey.” Then, it was time for the classes to come fifteen children at a time to the stations set up for fluoride treatments, handwashing, toothbrushing, and de-worming medication. We saw 120 students. Many moms observed so reinforcements can be made at home. A delicious lunch was served at the volunteer medical worker’s home. Such generosity and hospitality. The people truly appreciate the presence and help of the missionaries. As we all work togther (natives and missionaries), we feel “the ties that bind our hearts in Christian love.” And we are assured that “in Christ there is no east or west, in Him no north or south, but one great fellowship of love throughout the wholewide world.” Sheila
Our Visit to Teo
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