Some Thoughts on Saturday

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We have now been here in Honduras for seven days.  And even God rested on the seventh day.  So we filled our day of rest with the following;

  • Going to downtown Quimistan,
  • Going to the bank,
  • Riding in the moto-taxi,
  • Shopping at their version of WalMart buying hot sauce, coffee, and even a school uniform for a 3 year-old back in South Carolina,
  • Visiting three homes in Tejeres which is a squatter village alongside the busy highway,
  • Visiting the boyhood home of Miguel Paz Barahona who was President in the 20’s and sort of a local-boy-made-good (I guess like Sam Turnipseed in Aiken),
  • Buying artwork from the local whistling artist (you had to have been there),
  • Visiting a local corn grinding business and tasting raw cocoa,
  • Then we got up close and personal with a couple of parrots–one of whom seemed not to like Methodists–and Kay ended up with a mean chunk taken out of her hand,
  • Of course then we had to console Kay with some really great vanilla flavored ice cream covered with chocolate,
  • Finally we visited the future site of Sandra’s new home.

So there you have it…  Just a quiet day of rest here in Quimistan.  Tomorrow is Sunday and who knows how much MORE restful we can be.  We still see God’s blessing in every turn of the road.
