The start of a successful 3 day Dental Clinic

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          An exhausting day, breakfast at 7:00, dental clinic open at 8:00 and we successfully examined and treated 29 children from the Agape Promises program.  We all worked a very long 12 hours, but were much pleased to see significant improvement in the overall dental health.   
      Many of the children had no cavities and even some had no cavities for a second year in a row.  One new child in the program, an eight year old girl, had four baby teeth       removed and one small cavity filled.  She sat through the entire procedures with a smile and never  flinched.   
           The team was most appreciative of the 3 older AP students who assisted in keeping our “little patients” engaged while they waited their turn.
        Tomorrow we will finish up the Agape Promises children and Friday children from La Montanita will be bused down and treated.