We all made it to the airport, but we didn’t meet as a group until Honduran Customs. Our team has nine members: Tommy Thompson, Dan Wood, Kathy Wood, Bill Bengtson, John Yeager, Naomi Beers, Dane Wood, and Megan Wood. Roxanne Turnipseed joined the team from Q-town. Yeah, that’s right… 5 Woods in one place, that means lots of loving, loud arguments. 😉
Our ride into Quimistan was uneventful, but allowed us to get to know each other. We rode around town and saw the sights such as the hospital and Tranquilidad. We had the all important Team meeting and set up the battle plan for the week. We’re excited and ready to get to work. Tomorrow we are headed first to the feeding at Tejeras and then going to enjoy the afternoon with the Agape Promises kids.
Don’t be fooled by the picture, it makes us look like we are working and meeting and planning important stuff… but don’t worry… we’re not.
Hasta mañana!