VBS at Santa Clara

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Our VBS week wrapped up in style, as we ministered to about 70 kindergarten and elementary age kids in the village of Santa Clara. Two of our AP kids, Carlos and Vilma, led the teaching time, and the children joined in enthusiastically as we sang, colored, made bracelets, and played outdoors.

This was an extra special time for all of the team members, both old and new, as we celebrated the joy and love of the Lord with the precious children we have come to love dearly in recent months. At the end of the program, the VBS kids and 20 additional children were treated to a special lunch prepared by members of Mrs. Amalia’s extended family.

At the end of our time, I felt the disappointment of realizing that the fun we had shared with the AP kids and village children all week had come to an end. Fortunately, I carry with me many fond memories of our time working together.
