This morning, after getting the dental team delivered to the hospital, two team members, Dane and George, plus Stanley went to the Escuela Republica de Canada in El Pinal to provide de-worming medication, dental hygiene training, and fluoride treatment to 68 students there. The school was not open today, but most of the children were in uniform waiting for us at the entrance to town as we arrived. A young man had the key and unlocked the gate and classrooms for us. Dane explained that we were there because Jesus had sent us to Honduras to share His love with them.
Besides the children, we also provided de-worming medication to about a dozen adults. On the way up to El Pinal we picked up two walkers and gave them a ride to town saving them each at least an hour-long walk up the mountain. On the return trip we provided rides for three ladies who were coming to Quimistan to shop.
Though these hygiene trips are mostly the same routine, each of them is a little different. As we plan to serve God in one way, we never know what else He may have in mind for us to do along the way.