Day 10-Macaronis

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Today was our last full day in Honduras and our final blog! We headed out early to La Moñtanita, after a breakfast of toast, eggs, and bacon. At La Moñtanita we finished the railing and gave the rest of the children de-worming medicine and fluoride. After going to Juana’s house to eat our sandwiches, we headed down the mountain. On the way down, we stopped at a poor family’s house and gave them clothes and balls. Jeff and Maynor also gave the 6 children and the dad de-worming medicine and fluoride. Before heading back to the compound, we stopped at the supermarket to pick up some macaroni and cheese to take back to the United States. Unfortunately they didn’t carry it. We arrived back at the compound and picked up Martha to go to the grocery store. There we bought food for 3 families, and we delivered it to the families. They were very appreciative of the food. Then we went to check on the progress of Sandra’s new house. Progress had been made. We helped shovel dirt in the backyard, until the rain came. On the way back to the compound, we stopped to pick up Topogigios (Honduran popsicles). We came back to the compound for our last dinner. We had chicken and beef enchiladas and macaroni and cheese. After dinner we said goodbye to our new friends on the compound and Sandra’s son Abner. Now we are all packing to go home tomorrow. This trip has impacted us in many different ways. We now appreciate more what God has given us. It has opened our eyes about how blessed we are. We hope that we carry our experiences back home and help others find God’s love. We hope you guys have enjoyed the blog. Look forward to hearing from us next year!

Abby brushing her teeth.
The finished rail at La Moñtanita.

The house people we delivered clothes too.

The two families we delivered food too. 

Abby and Anna eating Topogigios!

Abby & Anna