Today we visited the three presidents school that Graciella does a lot to support. We toured the facility and saw the awesome play area they are working on. we Also saw the classroom that HAF supported. We saw there was a need for help to get a toilet there in working order and a need for a pila (Sink). Finally we visited the kindergarten down the street a little and delivered tables and chairs for the kids there. Again the folks are very appreciative! School supplies are a need here as well so if anyone is interested in Helping out there is a lot of need.
Next we traveled to jacaro to do the hygiene clinic and VBS. When we arrived the kids ran out to hug all of us! The swing set that was installed there on the spring break trip from 2 years ago is still going strong!!
When we arrived back at the compound some folks worked on the corn hole boards which are looking awesome! Maybe tomorrow night we can try them out! We are going to need our rest tonight though because it’s back to the kindergarten foundation work tomorrow!!! Night!!