Our team completed all of its projects on Thursday and Friday. Lee and Tommy completed installation of additional lighting in Pastor Anna’s office, and installation of a door on the storage room where Bruce and Jim installed shelving earlier. Bruce and Jim completed construction and installation of shelving and doors at the Light of the Valley elementary school. They, with help from Lorraine and Maxine, also completed construction of two large, stand-alone bookcases for the church office.
On Thursday, Maxine and Lorraine conducted two bread-making classes for local women. This was part of a test to determine the feasibility of providing locals a skill that they could use to earn an additional income. Other parts of this test include determining if adequate baking ovens are available, and if there is sufficient interest in such a venture by the locals.
On Friday PM, we toured several houses that had been constructed by Foundation volunteers over the last 2-3 years. And finally, we visited a local souvenir shop.
We depart for home Saturday AM.
Adios from Quimistan.