Tel Vez Manana

“We gather together to ask the Lords blessing…” That hymn has resonated in my head all day and is the theme for my blog tonight. Today I am reminded as we celebrate the end of another mission excursion to the Quimistan Valley, the surreal knowledge that all good things must come to an end. We must pack up and prepare to leave our second home and return to our eagerly awaiting families in America.

We gathered at breakfast this morning and began to share some memories of our trip with one another, in my best estimation we are ready to come home to our love ones and share the same memories. Mynor arrived with one of the AP students that graduated the program this year and we visited the University here in Quimistan with Jossalin. She wants to study business management at the school. Afterwards we took a short break and did some shopping in Quimistan then went to Sunday school with Sandra at the new church in Tajeres community. Following the service we then traveled to Graciela’s home and dined on chicken for lunch. Then we gathered again at the Villa to celebrate the graduates of the Agape Promise program. These young ladies and gentlemen were first class in their thanks and praise. There were moments of tears and laughter, music and food, games and celebrations. Amen!

As Michael and the graduates met in the cantina for one final meeting, the rest of us helped with cleaning choirs from the party and began to pack our bags for the journey home manana. In retrospect I look at this time of gathering as a clean sheet of paper in the midst of a work in progress. The last day is hectic and emotional for everyone here. I do not like saying good-bye, I have been on an emotional rollercoaster all day, manic if you will. Somehow God broke my heart and called me to lay my trophies down if but for a little while and love my neighbor. I pray for the people of Honduras, the communities that the Foundation serves, the people that work for the foundation here and in the United States. I pray that we gather as the Body of Christ and share in the plight of a country that struggles with maintaining even the simplest way of life. God Bless everyone and goodnight.

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